The Looming AI RMA

A Wake-up Call for India

Introduction [00:00 – 01:53]

The Looming AI RMA [01:53 – 09:52]

Military Applications of AI [09:52 – 20:49]

Unique Characteristics of AI [20:49 – 33:58]

Ongoing Debate on AI Regulation [33:58 – 45:48]

Status of AI R&D: US, China and Russia [45:48 – 55:30]

Way Forward for India [55:30 – 1:06:54]

In this episode of Def Talks on YouTube, Aadi Achint talks to Lt Gen (Dr) R S Panwar on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on 21st Century warfare. The conversation begins by elucidating how AI is expected to usher in the next revolution in military affairs (RMA), by infusing intelligence into every element of the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop and taking the human element further away from the battlefield consequent to increased autonomy in weapons. It then lists out the various application areas of AI in warfare in the physical, cyber and cognitive realms. The unique characteristics of AI are dwelled upon next, such as self-learning capability, non-transparency, unpredictability and brittleness. The risks associated with the use of AI on the battlefield are then discussed against the backdrop of ongoing debates on legal and ethical issues associated with AI-enabled military systems at the UN as well as other global forums. The final part of the episode highlights the tremendous resources being allocated by major world militaries towards the development of AI-powered systems, gives out India’s current status in this critically important field, and concludes by outlining a way forward for India in order to keep pace with the changing nature of warfare and also arrest the widening gap in its military capabilities vis-à-vis China.


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