Experience includes 40 years of active military service in the Corps of Signals, Indian Army. Last appointment was Commandant of Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow, which carries out training of officers and soldiers in the fields of ICT, electronic warfare and cyber operations, and is also the designated centre of excellence for the Indian Army for these disciplines.
Holds M Tech and Ph D Degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay as well as a Master of Management Studies degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Also, a graduate of the prestigious National Defence College, and has attended a special one semester Cryptology Course at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Commanded a wide range of units and formations, including an Armoured Division Communication Regiment and an Electronic Warfare Group, both with operational tasking in the desert sector. Provided communications and electronic warfare support for conventional as well as counter-insurgency operations in the entire Northern Theatre, including during the peak militancy period of the early 1990s. Also, commanded two logistics formations, responsible for provision of logistics support and rear area security to field formations in the complete South Western and North Eastern Theatres respectively.
Credited with several significant enhancements to Army networks towards ushering in a network centric era in the highly active operational environment in J&K, as also for evolving organisation re-structuring models as part of Indian Army transformation studies.
Has significant experience in the fields of human resource development and communications project management. Carried out noteworthy R&D work during his career, including development of an operationally critical packet switching equipment for deployment in Army tactical networks, in 1991. Conducted trials, evaluation and induction of several state of the art communications and EW equipment/ systems into the Indian Army.
As Commandant MCTE, provided impetus to conceptual studies and training in network centric warfare as well as information operations, with special focus on cyber warfare, and also took initial steps to build up expertise in the field of AI/ robotics.
Recipient of several awards by the President for distinguished services in the Defence Forces, and has also been awarded by the Department for Defence Production for R&D work. Last year, he was conferred the coveted Distinguished Alumnus Award by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, the only defence officer to hold such an honour for services rendered in uniform.